ZFF - 17. Zurich Film Festival

23. September - 3. Oktober 2021

ProduktionProduktion / Release

Kinostart CH-D: no release
Kinostart CH-F: no release
Kinostart CH-I: no release

Synopsis DESynopsis DE

Das Zurich Film Festival bietet eine Plattform für die vielversprechendsten neuen Filmemacher/innen aus der ganzen Welt. Es hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den Austausch zwischen aufstrebenden Regisseur/innen, arrivierten Filmschaffenden, der Filmindustrie und dem Publikum zu fördern. Das ZFF präsentiert jeden Herbst die schönsten Entdeckungen sowie die meist erwarteten Filme des Jahres. Mit seinem Wettbewerb "Fokus" legt das ZFF einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf das Filmschaffen der Filmländer Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich.

Das Zurich Film Festival fand im Oktober 2005 zum ersten Mal statt. Es hat sich innerhalb weniger Jahre in der nationalen und internationalen Festivallandschaft etabliert. Seit der ersten Austragung ist das Festival kontinuierlich gewachsen. Es verzeichnete 2017 rund 98'300 Eintritte und zog mehr als 600 akkreditierte Filmschaffende sowie über 500 Medienschaffende aus aller Welt an.

Im internationalen Wettbewerb konkurrieren aufstrebende Filmemacher/innen (erste, zweite oder dritte Regiearbeit) in drei Kategorien jeweils um den Hauptpreis, das Goldene Auge. Ausser Konkurrenz präsentiert das ZFF die meist erwarteten Filme des Jahres (Gala Premieren) und die schönsten Entdeckungen (Special Screenings). Es stellt junges Filmschaffen einer aufblühenden Filmregion (Neue Welt Sicht) vor sowie thematisch fokussierte Reihen wie "Border Lines" (Menschenrechte) und "Series". Rahmenveranstaltungen wie die "ZFF Master Class", der "Zurich Summit" und der "Filmmusikwettbewerb" machen das ZFF zu einer bedeutenden Networking-Plattform.

Filmvorführungen in Anwesenheit der Filmemacher sowie öffentliche ZFF Masters-Veranstaltungen bringen das Publikum den Filmemacher/innen nahe und ermöglichen einen einmaligen Austausch. Mit seinen Schul- und Kindervorstellungen vermittelt das ZFF die Filmkunst auch den Jüngsten und schafft einen Anreiz, das Kino als Ort des kulturellen Austauschs kennenzulernen.

18.00 Tlamess (Kosmos 4)
18.15 A Cop Movie (Kosmos 1)
18.15 A Hero (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.30 Septet: The Story of Hong Kong (Kosmos 5)
18.30 The Return: Life After ISIS (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.45 Life of Ivanna (Kosmos 6)
20.30 Death of a Virgin, and the Sin of Not Living (Kosmos 4)
20.45 Aloners (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.45 Lakewood (Kosmos 1)
21.00 Tre piani (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.00 Unclenching the Fists (Kosmos 6)
21.15 La voie normale (Kosmos 5)
21.15 Und morgen seid ihr tot (Corso 1)

13.45 El empleado y el patrón (Kosmos 4)
14.15 L‘uomo in più (Kosmos 5)
15.30 The Souvenir (Corso 4)
15.45 Casino Royale (Arena 7)
15.45 La hija (Corso 3)
16.00 A Cop Movie (Kosmos 6)
16.00 Life of Ivanna (Arthouse Piccadilly)a
16.15 Chiamami ancora amore (Kosmos 4)
16.30 Drifting (Kosmos 5)
16.30 Soy Libre (Filmpodium)
18.00 Blue Bayou (Arena 4)
18.00 Ninjababy (Kosmos 1)
18.15 Ali & Ava (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.15 Mass (Corso 4)
18.30 Beyond the White (Kosmos 6)
18.30 Ouistreham (Corso 1)
18.30 The Dilemma of Desire (Arena 3)
18.45 Noura rêve (Kosmos 4)
18.45 Sabaya (Filmpodium)
18.45 She Had a Dream (Corso 3)
18.45 Tina (Arena 7)
19.00 The Lost Leonardo (Corso 2)
19.00 Time (Kosmos 5)
20.30 A Sexplanation (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.45 A Chiara (Kosmos 1)
20.45 Illusions perdues (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.45 Nothing to Laugh About (Corso 1)
20.45 The Last Duel (Arena 4)
21.00 Dachra (Filmpodium)
21.00 Everything Will Change (Kosmos 6)
21.00 Noche de fuego (Corso 4)
21.00 One Second (Arena 3)
21.15 Dough (Kosmos 5)
21.15 Lamb (Corso 2)
21.30 All Eyes Off Me (Arena 7)
21.30 La Roya (Kosmos 4)
21.30 Un divan à Tunis (Corso 3)

10.30 Martin and the Magical Forest (Arena 3)
10.45 Neumatt (Arena 7)
13.00 A Chiara (Kosmos 1)
13.15 Beyond the White (Arthouse Piccadilly)
13.30 Le conseguenze dell'amore (Filmpodium)
13.30 Le loup et le lion (Arena 3)
13.30 Unclenching the Fists (Kosmos 6)
14.00 Container (Kosmos 5)
14.00 Und morgen seid ihr tot (Corso 1)
14.30 Quantum of Solace (Arena 4)
14.30 Time (Kosmos 4)
14.45 La belle et la meute (Corso 3)
15.15 The Lost Leonardo (Corso 2)
15.45 Flee (Kosmos 6)
15.45 Noche de fuego (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.00 Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn (Arthouse Le Paris)
16.00 Carajita (Kosmos 1)
16.00 Glassboy (Arena 7)
16.00 Inside the Red Brick Wall (Filmpodium)
16.15 Close to Me (Kosmos 5)
16.15 Lamya‘s Poem (Arena 3)
16.15 Ninjababy (Corso 4)
16.45 A Sexplanation (Kosmos 4)
17.00 El empleado y el patrón (Corso 3)
17.00 Es ist nur eine Phase, Hase (Corso 1)
17.45 Harald Naegeli – Der Sprayer von Zürich (Corso 2)
18.00 The Last Duel (Arena 4)
18.15 All-In (Filmpodium)
18.15 Jockey (Kosmos 1)
18.15 Les Olympiades (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.30 Momentum (Kosmos 6)
18.30 Noura rêve (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.30 One Second (Arena 7)
18.45 Kurzes aus Tunesien (Kosmos 5)
18.45 The Art of Love (Arena 3)
19.00 All Light, Everywhere (Kosmos 4)
19.00 Invisible Demons (Corso 4)
19.30 140 km à l‘ouest du paradis (Corso 3)
20.00 Casino (Corso 1)
20.30 Ich Ich Ich (Kosmos 6)
20.30 La Mif (Filmpodium)
20.45 Petite nature (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.45 The Real Charlie Chaplin (Corso 2)
21.00 Je suis Karl (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.00 Ouistreham (Kosmos 1)
21.00 Pleasure (Arena 7)
21.15 Maixabel (Kosmos 5)
21.15 The Power of the Dog (Arena 4)
21.15 Youth Topia (Corso 4)
21.30 Death of a Virgin, and the Sin of Not Living (Kosmos 4)
21.30 Hedi (Corso 3)
21.30 The Sparks Brothers (Arena 3)

10.45 Skyfall (Arena 7)
11.00 Mission Ulja Funk (Arena 4)
11.15 L‘amico di famiglia (Arthouse Piccadilly)
12.15 Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy (Filmpodium)
12.45 She Had a Dream (Corso 3)
12.45 The Art of Love (Kosmos 6)
13.00 Lamb (Kosmos 1)
13.00 Mass (Corso 4)
13.15 The Souvenir (Kosmos 5)
13.30 La Mif (Kosmos 4)
13.45 Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse (Arthouse Piccadilly)
13.45 The Ape Star (Arena 3)
14.00 The Lesson – Teaching the Holocaust to Germany’s Gen Z (Arena 7)
14.30 Jockey (Corso 2)
15.00 A Conversation with... Sharon Stone (Arena 4)
15.00 La voie normale (Corso 3)
15.00 Memoria (Filmpodium)
15.15 Tre piani (Corso 1)
15.30 Adolf Muschg – der Andere (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.30 Ich Ich Ich (Kosmos 6)
15.30 The Real Charlie Chaplin (Corso 4)
15.45 The Souvenir: Part II (Kosmos 1)
16.00 Os últimos dias de Gilda (Kosmos 5)
16.00 Peterchens Mondfahrt (Arena 7)
16.15 Moon Rock for Monday (Arena 3)
16.15 Tlamess (Kosmos 4)
17.15 La hija (Corso 3)
17.30 Boiling Point (Corso 2)
18.00 Je suis Karl (Arena 4)
18.00 La panthère des neiges (Kosmos 6)
18.00 The Velvet Underground (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.00 Willkommen in Siegheilkirchen (Corso 1)
18.15 Hinter den Schlagzeilen (Corso 4)
18.15 JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass (Kosmos 1)
18.15 Paracelsus Ein Landschaftsessay (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.15 Writing with Fire (Filmpodium)
18.30 Nafas (Kosmos 5)
18.45 Ouistreham (Arena 7)
18.45 The Return: Life After ISIS (Kosmos 4)
19.00 Lakewood (Arena 3)
20.00 Azor (Corso 2)
20.15 Because of My Body (Corso 3)
20.30 Aloners (Kosmos 6)
20.30 The Lost Daughter (Corso 1)
20.45 Blue Bayou (Arena 4)
20.45 Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon (Kosmos 1)
21.00 Ascension (Corso 4)
21.00 Ballad of a White Cow (Filmpodium)
21.00 The Sparks Brothers (Arena 7)
21.00 Tout s‘est bien passé (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Ali & Ava (Arena 3)
21.15 Invisible Demons (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.15 Raging Fire (Kosmos 5)
21.15 Regarde-moi (Kosmos 4)

13.15 The Velvet Underground (Kosmos 5)
13.30 Everything Will Change (Kosmos 6)
14.00 Momentum (Corso 4)
14.45 Spectre (Arena 7)
15.15 Septet: The Story of Hong Kong (Filmpodium)
15.45 Il divo (Kosmos 4)
16.00 Ballad of a White Cow (Kosmos 1)
16.00 La panthère des neiges (Corso 4)
16.15 La hija (Kosmos 5)
16.30 Beyond the White (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.30 Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse (Arena 3)
16.45 Maixabel (Corso 3)
17.45 Hinter den Schlagzeilen (Arena 7)
18.00 Azor (Kosmos 6)
18.00 Blue Bayou (Corso 1)
18.00 Lakewood (Arena 4)
18.00 Une histoire d‘amour et de désir (Filmpodium)
18.15 Drifting (Kosmos 4)
18.15 President (Corso 4)
18.30 Boiling Point (Corso 2)
18.30 Es ist nur eine Phase, Hase (Kongresssaal)
18.30 Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.45 All-In (Arthouse Piccadilly)
19.00 Carajita (Kosmos 1)
19.15 All Eyes Off Me (Corso 3)
19.15 Un divan à Tunis (Kosmos 5)
20.00 Illusions perdues (Arena 4)
20.30 A Hero (Arena 7)
20.30 Love Will Come Later (Kosmos 6)
20.30 The Last Duel (Corso 1)
20.45 140 km à l‘ouest du paradis (Kosmos 4)
20.45 Miracle (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.45 Willkommen in Siegheilkirchen (Arena 3)
21.00 All These Sons (Filmpodium)
21.00 Hive (Corso 2)
21.00 Klammer (Kongresssaal)
21.00 Swan Song (Kosmos 1)
21.15 Compartment No. 6 (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 From the Wild Sea (Corso 4)
21.15 La Roya (Kosmos 5)
21.30 Kurzes aus Tunesien (Corso 3)

13.00 From the Wild Sea (Kosmos 6)
13.15 All Light, Everywhere (Kosmos 5)
13.30 Aloners (Arthouse Piccadilly)
13.30 This Must Be the Place (Kosmos 4)
13.45 Youth Topia (Kosmos 1)
15.30 Harald Naegeli – Der Sprayer von Zürich (Kosmos 6)
15.45 Mass (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.45 Paracelsus Ein Landschaftsessay (Kosmos 5)
16.00 All-In (Corso 4)
16.00 Invisible Demons (Filmpodium)
16.00 Love Will Come Later (Kosmos 1)
16.15 Because of My Body (Kosmos 4)
16.15 Noura rêve (Corso 3)
17.45 Jockey (Arena 3)
18.00 All These Sons (Kosmos 6)
18.00 President (Filmpodium)
18.00 Prinzessin (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.00 Red Rocket (Corso 1)
18.15 El buen patrón (Kongresssaal)
18.15 Hive (Kosmos 5)
18.15 Monday um Zehn (Corso 4)
18.15 Petite nature (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.30 Ninjababy (Arena 7)
18.30 Streams (Kosmos 4)
18.30 Tre piani (Corso 2)
18.45 Hit the Road (Kosmos 1)
18.45 Klammer (Arena 4)
20.30 Adolf Muschg – der Andere (Corso 3)
20.30 Miracle (Kosmos 6)
20.30 Room Without a View (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.45 Les choses humaines (Corso 1)
20.45 Raging Fire (Kosmos 5)
20.45 The Last Bus (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.45 Tout s‘est bien passé (Arena 7)
21.00 A Cop Movie (Filmpodium)
21.00 Les Nouvelles Èves – Heldinnen des Alltags (Corso 4)
21.00 No Time to Die (Kongresssaal)
21.00 The Lost Daughter (Arena 4)
21.00 The Man Who Sold His Skin (Kosmos 1)
21.15 Silent Land (Corso 2)
21.30 Une histoire d‘amour et de désir (Kosmos 4)

12.45 Paracelsus Ein Landschaftsessay (Kosmos 5)
12.45 La grande bellezza (Corso 3)
13.00 The Dilemma of Desire (Kosmos 4)
13.15 The Return: Life After ISIS (Kosmos 1)
13.30 Inside the Red Brick Wall (Filmpodium)
13.30 Le loup et le lion (Arena 3)
13.30 Silent Land (Corso 4)
13.45 The Lesson – Teaching the Holocaust to Germany’s Gen Z (Arena 7)
13.45 The Real Charlie Chaplin (Corso 2)
14.00 Everything Will Change (Arthouse Piccadilly)
14.15 Boiling Point (Kosmos 6)
15.15 Swan Song (Kosmos 1)
15.30 La Mif (Kosmos 4)
15.45 Death of a Virgin, and the Sin of Not Living (Corso 3)
15.45 La belle et la meute (Kosmos 5)
16.00 Grosse Freiheit (Corso 4)
16.00 Mission Ulja Funk (Arena 7)
16.00 The Last Bus (Arthouse Le Paris)
16.15 A Chiara (Corso 2)
16.15 The Black Mill (Arena 3)
16.30 Room Without a View (Kosmos 6)
16.30 Soy Libre (Arthouse Piccadilly)
17.45 Ascension (Filmpodium)
17.45 Monday um Zehn (Kosmos 1)
18.00 Competencia oficial (Corso 1)
18.00 Illusions perdues (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.00 Prinzessin (Kosmos 4)
18.15 Und morgen seid ihr tot (Kongresssaal)
18.30 Flee (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.30 The Lost Leonardo (Arena 4)
18.30 Un fils (Kosmos 5)
18.45 Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn (Corso 4)
18.45 Ballad of a White Cow (Kosmos 6)
18.45 Sabaya (Arena 7)
19.00 Die Venus vom Tivoli (Arena 3)
19.15 Willkommen in Siegheilkirchen (Corso 2)
20.30 Streams (Filmpodium)
20.30 The Innocents (Kosmos 1)
20.45 Les Nouvelles Èves – Heldinnen des Alltags (Kosmos 4)
20.45 The Power of the Dog (Arena 4)
20.45 È stata la mano di Dio (Corso 1)
21.00 Pleasure (Corso 4)
21.00 Red Rocket (Arena 7)
21.00 Spencer (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.00 „Prinzessin“ live kommentiert (Kosmos 5)
21.15 „A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night“ live vertont (Kosmos 6)
21.15 Compartment No. 6 (Corso 2)
21.15 Es ist nur eine Phase, Hase (Arena 3)
21.15 The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (Kongresssaal)
21.15 Unclenching the Fists (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.30 Regarde-moi (Corso 3)

12.15 Youth (Kosmos 4)
12.45 Because of My Body (Kosmos 5)
13.00 Sabaya (Kosmos 6)
13.15 Je suis Karl (Kosmos 1)
13.30 Ich Ich Ich (Kosmos 3)
14.30 She Had a Dream (Kosmos 2)
14.45 Loro (Kosmos 4)
15.00 All These Sons (Kosmos 6)
15.15 Container (Kosmos 5)
15.30 Ascension (Kosmos 3)
15.30 Miracle (Filmpodium)
15.30 President (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.30 Tina (Arena 4)
16.00 Hit the Road (Arthouse Le Paris)
16.00 Noche de fuego (Kosmos 1)
16.30 Azor (Corso 2)
16.45 Maixabel (Kosmos 2)
17.00 Momentum (Kosmos 6)
17.15 Aloners (Arena 3)
17.30 Lamb (Arena 7)
17.45 A Sexplanation (Kosmos 5)
18.00 Life of Ivanna (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.00 Love Will Come Later (Kosmos 3)
18.00 Where Is Anne Frank (Kongresssaal)
18.00 È stata la mano di Dio (Arena 4)
18.15 Nothing to Laugh About (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.15 The Souvenir: Part II (Filmpodium)
18.15 Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy (Kosmos 4)
18.30 The Man Who Sold His Skin (Kosmos 1)
18.45 Petite nature (Corso 2)
18.45 Youth Topia (Kosmos 6)
19.30 Inside the Red Brick Wall (Kosmos 2)
20.15 The Velvet Underground (Kosmos 5)
20.30 El buen patrón (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.30 Everything Will Change (Kosmos 3)
20.30 The Worst Person in the World (Kongresssaal)
20.45 The Power of the Dog (Arena 4)
21.00 La panthère des neiges (Filmpodium)
21.00 Les Olympiades (Kosmos 1)
21.00 Tout s‘est bien passé (Corso 2)
21.00 Un fils (Kosmos 4)
21.15 Monday um Zehn (Kosmos 6)
21.30 Regarde-moi (Kosmos 2)

12.45 The Sparks Brothers (Kosmos 2)
13.00 Room Without a View (Arthouse Piccadilly)
13.00 Unclenching the Fists (Kosmos 3)
13.15 Boiling Point (Kosmos 6)
13.30 Chiamami ancora amore (Kosmos 4)
13.45 Monday um Zehn (Filmpodium)
14.00 A Cop Movie (Arena 3)
15.00 Pleasure (Kosmos 1)
15.00 Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy (Arena 7)
15.15 Beyond the White (Kosmos 3)
15.15 La voie normale (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.30 JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.30 The Billion Dollar Code (Kosmos 6)
15.45 One Second (Arena 4)
15.45 The Innocents (Kosmos 4)
16.00 Close to Me (Kosmos 2)
16.00 ZFF Talk: Science Matters, Festivalzentrum)
16.15 Hinter den Schlagzeilen (Filmpodium)
16.30 The Art of Love (Arena 3)
16.30 The Last Bus (Corso 2)
17.00 Azor (Arthouse Piccadilly)
17.15 Prinzessin (Kosmos 5)
17.30 From the Wild Sea (Arena 7)
17.45 Mass (Kosmos 3)
18.00 Les choses humaines (Arena 4)
18.00 Spencer (Kongresssaal)
18.00 The Man Who Sold His Skin (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.00 Where Is Anne Frank (Kosmos 1)
18.15 Memoria (Kosmos 2)
18.30 Ballad of a White Cow (Filmpodium)
18.30 Carajita (Corso 2)
18.30 Dachra (Kosmos 4)
18.45 Flee (Arena 3)
19.30 Kurzes aus Tunesien (Kosmos 5)
20.15 Petite nature (Kosmos 3)
20.30 Silent Land (Kosmos 1)
20.30 The Card Counter (Kongresssaal)
20.30 The Worst Person in the World (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.45 Montreux Jazz-Special: “They all Came Out to Montreux” & Panel (Kosmos 6)
20.45 The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (Arena 4)
21.00 All-In (Filmpodium)
21.00 Competencia oficial (Arena 3)
21.00 Grosse Freiheit (Corso 2)
21.00 Hedi (Kosmos 4)
21.15 Dough (Kosmos 2)
21.30 Drifting (Kosmos 5)
21.30 Soy Libre (Arthouse Piccadilly)

10.30 No Time to Die (Kongresssaal)
10.45 Martin and the Magical Forest (Arena 3)
12.15 Os últimos dias de Gilda (Kosmos 4)
12.30 Writing with Fire (Kosmos 3)
12.45 The Young Pope (Kosmos 2)
13.00 La panthère des neiges (Kosmos 1)
13.00 Room Without a View (Arthouse Piccadilly)
13.00 ZFF Masters: Paul Schrader (Filmpodium)
13.15 Grosse Freiheit (Kosmos 6)
13.30 Glassboy (Arena 3)
13.45 Les Nouvelles Èves – Heldinnen des Alltags (Kosmos 5)
13.45 No Time to Die (Kongresssaal)
14.45 All Eyes Off Me (Kosmos 4)
14.45 Life of Ivanna (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.00 Hive (Corso 2)
15.00 Love Will Come Later (Filmpodium)
15.15 El buen patrón (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.15 Soy Libre (Kosmos 3)
15.30 The Lost Daughter (Kosmos 1)
15.45 Hedi (Kosmos 2)
16.00 Moon Rock for Monday (Arena 3)
16.00 The Dilemma of Desire (Kosmos 5)
16.15 Carajita (Kosmos 6)
17.00 Adolf Muschg – der Andere (Kosmos 4)
17.00 Ali & Ava (Corso 2)
17.00 Hinter den Schlagzeilen (Arthouse Piccadilly)
17.30 JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass (Filmpodium)
17.30 Wagner-Special: Juliane Banse live & “The Zurich Affair” (Kongresssaal)
17.45 Silent Land (Kosmos 3)
18.00 Competencia oficial (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.00 Un divan à Tunis (Kosmos 2)
18.15 Compartment No. 6 (Kosmos 1)
18.30 La Roya (Kosmos 5)
18.45 Sabaya (Kosmos 6)
19.00 Dachra (Kosmos 4)
19.15 Hit the Road (Corso 2)
19.15 Ninjababy (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.15 Les Olympiades (Filmpodium)
20.30 Les choses humaines (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.30 Momentum (Kosmos 3)
20.45 The Card Counter (Kosmos 1)
21.00 Ich Ich Ich (Kosmos 6)
21.00 The French Dispatch (Kongresssaal)
21.15 El empleado y el patrón (Kosmos 5)
21.30 La Mif (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.30 Une histoire d‘amour et de désir (Kosmos 4)
21.45 Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon (Corso 2)

11.00 Peterchens Mondfahrt (Arena 3)
11.45 The New Pope (Kosmos 2)
12.00 Harald Naegeli – Der Sprayer von Zürich (Arthouse Piccadilly)
12.00 Un fils (Kosmos 5)
12.15 Nafas (Kosmos 4)
12.30 President (Kosmos 3)
12.45 Grosse Freiheit (Kosmos 6)
13.00 All These Sons (Filmpodium)
13.00 The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (Kosmos 1)
13.30 Klammer (Corso 2)
13.30 Lamya‘s Poem (Arena 3)
14.00 140 km à l‘ouest du paradis (Kosmos 2)
14.15 From the Wild Sea (Arthouse Piccadilly)
14.15 Tina (Kosmos 5)
14.45 Streams (Kosmos 4)
15.00 Time (Kosmos 3)
15.15 Where Is Anne Frank (Filmpodium)
15.30 A Hero (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.30 The Worst Person in the World (Kosmos 1)
15.45 Nothing to Laugh About (Corso 2)
16.00 Noche de fuego (Kosmos 6)
16.00 The Black Mill (Arena 3)
16.15 All Light, Everywhere (Kosmos 2)
16.15 Invisible Demons (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.45 Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse (Kosmos 5)
17.30 Miracle (Kosmos 3)
17.45 The Real Charlie Chaplin (Filmpodium)
17.45 The Souvenir: Part II (Kosmos 4)
18.00 Jockey (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.00 The Card Counter (Corso 2)
18.15 Lamb (Kosmos 1)
18.15 Spencer (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.30 Youth Topia (Kosmos 6)
18.45 La belle et la meute (Kosmos 2)
20.00 Writing with Fire (Kosmos 3)
20.15 Septet: The Story of Hong Kong (Kosmos 4)
20.30 A Chiara (Filmpodium)
20.30 Swan Song (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.30 È stata la mano di Dio (Corso 2)
20.45 Ascension (Kosmos 6)
20.45 Red Rocket (Kosmos 1)
20.45 The French Dispatch (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.00 Tlamess (Kosmos 2)
21.15 The Innocents (Kosmos 5)

Cast and CrewCast & Crew

LinksLinks und Medien

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ZFF - 3. Zurich Filmfestival (2007)

ZFF - 4. Zurich Film Festival (2008)

ZFF - 5. Zurich Film Festival (2009)

ZFF - 6. Zurich Film Festival (2010)

ZFF - 7. Zurich Film Festival (2011)

ZFF - 8. Zurich Film Festival (2012)

ZFF - 9. Zurich Film Festival (2013)

ZFF - 10. Zurich Film Festival (2014)

ZFF - 11. Zurich Film Festival (2015)

ZFF - 12. Zurich Film Festival (2016)

ZFF - 13. Zurich Film Festival (2017)

ZFF - 14. Zurich Film Festival (2018)

ZFF - 15. Zurich Film Festival (2019)

ZFF - 16. Zurich Film Festival (2020)

ZFF - 17. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 18. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 19. Zurich Film Festival (2023)


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17. Zurich Film Festival: 23. September – 3. Oktober 2021

ZFF - 17. Zurich Film Festival


Heinrichstrasse 267
8005 Zürich
+41 44 440 2751 (tel)

Movie relationsÄhnliche Filme

ZFF - 13. Zurich Film Festival (2017)

ZFF - 14. Zurich Film Festival (2018)

ZFF - 16. Zurich Film Festival (2020)

ZFF - 12. Zurich Film Festival (2016)

ZFF - 11. Zurich Film Festival (2015)

ZFF - 10. Zurich Film Festival (2014)

ZFF - 9. Zurich Film Festival (2013)

ZFF - 7. Zurich Film Festival (2011)

ZFF - 6. Zurich Film Festival (2010)

ZFF - 8. Zurich Film Festival (2012)

ZFF - 19. Zurich Film Festival (2023)

ZFF - 18. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 15. Zurich Film Festival (2019)

ZFF - 3. Zurich Filmfestival (2007)

ZFF - 5. Zurich Film Festival (2009)

ZFF - 4. Zurich Film Festival (2008)

Sans Roland Béguelin et Marcel Boill... (2024)

Theo: Eine Konversation mit der Ehrli... (2022)

A bras le corps (2025)

Hallo Betty (2024)


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Bilder: © CineImage